Above picture from : Tips for Bicycling in the Rain
Since president of the company advocated in May the bicycle-riding as a commuting tool by giving free movie ticket as a monthly reward, I have ridden more than 800 km in total during the past 3 months and I got 3 tickets. :-) But this morning it's the first time for me to ride in a heavy rain. When I prepared to leave home this morning, the western sky become so dark. I went back home and put on my new bought rain coat, pants and shoes that specially designed for bike rider. I also turned on the lights on my bike. Then I chose a small country road to go instead, there was the wide green cultivated land around me and almost no other vehicles on it. It's a special experience that I haven't had since my youth at hometown, for I could clearly hear the rain dropping on my rain coat and the thunder roaring nearby without the motor noise. And I could feel the pain when it drop onto my face and hand. The only thing that made me fear for is the frequent lightning. It seemed to be happened just in front of my eyes. Fortunately I am safe finally. :-)
This experience made me feel that I was so much close to the nature. Yes, nature. That is such a wonderful blessing that God give it to us freely.
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