Sing your way home at the close of the day. Sing your way home; drive the shadows away. Smile ev'ry mile, for wherever you roam It will brighten your road, it will lighten your load If you sing your way home. Yes, I will sing my way home today. Because today I firstly get my own free movie ticket from company by 10 days biking a month. It makes me happy. Truly a recordable achievement for me and my family. :-D |
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sing Your Way Home
This is the song that I learned recently. It brings me a better mood before arriving home after office. I know it will also benefit you. Wanna try it ?
Thursday, June 26, 2008
On Faith
What I wanna talk some more is about faith here. But what is faith by your opinion?
Actually it is hard to define it. Sometimes I still doubt on it. But little by little, I know faith is just as you know that every day the sun will arise. Or you know that you will have a happy life finally. So sure things with simple faith on it.
"There can be miracle when you believe." Yes, it is true that faith can also make things different.
But faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if you have faith, you hope for things which are not seen, which are true.
Building faith on God and on each other may bring life happiness.
Actually it is hard to define it. Sometimes I still doubt on it. But little by little, I know faith is just as you know that every day the sun will arise. Or you know that you will have a happy life finally. So sure things with simple faith on it.
"There can be miracle when you believe." Yes, it is true that faith can also make things different.
But faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if you have faith, you hope for things which are not seen, which are true.
Building faith on God and on each other may bring life happiness.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
About Taiwan, my opinion
....Well, just think about how to introduce you about my country. Yes, it is true that Taiwan manufactured a lot of stuff in the past. But now most of the factories have moved to China. China has become factory of the world in the recent years.
Historically, Taiwan was a Province of China, but it was ever governed by Holland, partially occupied by French at a very short time, and had been ruled by Japan for 50 years. When commuist arose and overwhelmed the whole China, the government of the Republic of China moved here. So it make Taiwan strait not so peace occasionally since then.
Missionaries came from England and Canada 100~150 years ago have brougt pepople here new faith. The greatest and most famous is Dr. Mackay from Canada. He spent almost his whole life since 1895 here especially in the northern Tawain to teach people gospel. That's why we can see many Mackay Memorial Hospitals in Taiwan. Nowadays there are still many Mormon's young missionaries from USA and other countries can be seen everywhere in big city or small country. They often use bicycle as their transportation tool. Those missionaries from overseas affected Taiwan a lot in every aspect, but the members of Christian are still not much. Most people believe in Chinese traditional Taoism and Buddhism. For decades, a famous Buddhistic organization "Tzu Chi Foundation" has widely and in-depth affected the Taiwan's society and other countries . Besides, relatively still quite fewer Muslim and Mormon here.
For know more about what the Tsu Chi Foundation did, Please consult its official site here.
Taiwan is an independent country with its own government and army. China never acknowlegde it, that's why Taiwan cannot be accepted to join most of the international organizations, such as the United Nations. Government of China forced it as possible as they can in every occasion.
Since the new on-board of the current Taiwan's handsome President Ma Ying Jeou on 5/20, we have tried to establish a more friendly relationship with China. Maybe in several years you may see the two parts unified as one nation just as the East and West Germany in the past. Taiwan is currently a democratic country with mature economics, while China is still a state-power-centralized country but with very rapid economics growth. I think they both are seeking to become more equal to each other in every aspect.
This is information about our handsome President:
Taiwan is a small island with high mountains, more than 100 peaks with their height's over 3000 meters. The scence in the mountain is so beautiful. When I was a student, I liked to back-packed climbing the mountains and took pictures there. Really nice memories. This is a traditional place in the mountains that some foreign people will visit.
That's all what I think now. Ask me if you would like to know others about Taiwan from my opinion. :-)
Formosa, one of Taiwan's old names, means beautiful island. Following are the words of love for Taiwan from Dr. Mackay:
How dear is Formosa to my heart!
On that island the best of my years have been spent. How dear is Formosa to my heart!
A lifetime of joy is centered here. I love to look up to its lofty peaks,
down into its yawning chasms,
and away out on its surging seas. How willing I am to gaze upon these forever!
My heart's ties to Taiwan cannot be severed!
To that island I devote my life. My heart's ties to Taiwan cannot be severed!
There I find my joy. I should like to find a final resting place within sound of its surf and under the shade of its waving bamboo.
"My Final Resting Place" by George Mackay.
I love its dark-skinned [people].
among whom I have gone these twenty-three years,
preaching the gospel of Jesus.
To serve them in the gospel I would gladly, a thousand times over, give up my life.
There I hope to spend what remains of my life,
and when my day of service is over.
"From Far Formosa" by George Mackay.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
謝存德 我的阿公

2008-6-15 (日)
今天我在教會中的演講題目是家庭的目的, 在教會的演講中第一次我談到我已過世的阿公 謝存德先生, 我提到他是我所敬重的一個人, 雖然他是一位農夫, 且受教育不高, 只有在日據時代受過漢學教育而已, 但他有如企業家一般的上進心, 務農的他懂得悉心研究各種專業知識, 他訂閱了農業的專業月刊雜誌, 每天到有人那裡閱報, 熟知國內外大事, 廣泛交友, 有德性. 鄰里間的人民敬重他, 稱呼他為 "海口德啊", 因為他是從臨近海邊的小村 "路上厝" 搬來的. 我小時候, 也曾看過他當過鄰長. 在家中幫忙配給農會發下來的農藥.
/ 我的媽媽嫁到謝家來, 婆媳與妯娌的問題偶有發生, 但就我所知, 他對阿公極為的敬重. 真正的看重他是家族中的長輩, 有權柄處理家中的大小事. 爸爸媽媽有關農業方面的投資, 在商量後, 為求慎重起見, 媽媽都會再徵詢爺爺的意見. 即便那時候已經分家了, 而爺爺的回覆, 有時如簡單的這麼一句話" 這怎麼不能做? ", 就常讓他們有吃了"定心丸"的感覺.
/從我小的時後開始, 我已經比較少看到我爺爺非常辛苦的在工作, 他儼然已經成為家中的管理者, 事業的籌畫者. 我印象中的他, 早晨起來他會巡視農作, 早餐之後, 他會騎上他那"雙台"的大腳踏車上街為全家人買菜, 中午過後, 他會坐在他那舒適的躺椅, 在竹林遮蔭的微風吹拂下沉睡片响.
他對食物頗敢花費. 買好菜之後, 他就會到街上的好朋友家看報紙, 此習慣至少維持有十幾年之久, 當他到朋有家中看報時, 幾乎熟悉到不用打招呼, 把他們家當做公共閱報室似的. 我記得我2~3歲左右, 常被他載在架於腳踏車的前面橫樑上的小藤椅上上街, 他喜歡這麼做, 或許是因為我是他的長孫. 直到有一天, 從街上回來的路上, 他曾感傷的告訴幼年的我 --- 我們要"分食"(分家)了. 他的態度如此的特別, 讓我感受頗深, 我問他什麼是"分食", 小小年記的我, 雖然很多事都不懂, 但那奇異而感傷的氣氛令我印象鮮明, 直覺的就是有我無法了解的大事要發生了. 我猶記的那時的景象, 還有那時的腳踏車是騎在路上的哪一段. 民國76年我考上大學時, 第一個在報紙的榜單上發現我的名字的, 就是我的阿公, 還記那天他很高興的騎腳踏車回家的那一幕. 他還把人家的報紙給帶回來了呢! 現在那份報紙還被我收藏在某處. 上大學之前, 我在國高中階段唸了南部的私立學校, 每每月考後, 學校會將我那時好時壞的成績單寄回家, 阿公接到後都會直接拆開看, 有時會搖搖頭的拿給我的父母. 大學聯考幸運的考上排名還不算太差的清華大學核工系, 我猜想阿公在報紙上的前排看到我的名字, 應該會讓他樂得很久吧.
吃得好, 但是工作也不少, 我的阿公常在吃飯的時候發派工作, 他的幾個子女與媳婦則是他的員工. 聽說, 叔叔們常會將碗裡的飯菜盛滿, 然後端到另一邊去吃. 我媽媽的形容是, 嫁到謝家後, 日常的飲食好了很多, 但是辛苦的工作確也多了不少.
在我剛上大學後的秋天, 我到台中四叔家. 在那兒幫四叔自助餐的阿公接受我的邀約, 我們騎了四叔的摩托車, 載表弟和阿公前往附近的公園玩, 上大學似乎是個人的成年禮, 或者, 我是他子孫輩中第一個考上大學的人, 阿公這時對我的態度完全像個成人一樣的尊重. 不會騎機車的他, 坐在我的後座, 中間及前面載著表弟, 他對我表現出了完全的信任. 但這是我見到健康的阿公的最後一次, 也是印象中, 他唯一的一次讓我感受到當一個成人所受到的禮遇.
之後再見到他, 已是冬天躺在病床上的阿公了, 這時的他, 腦部已經開過幾次刀, 還包著繃帶, 用喉嚨呼吸, 不時要抽痰. 且昏迷不醒. 阿公在我上大學後的第一年冬天因病過世了. 民國77年農曆年前, 在彰化老家, 看到他灰白臉色的遺體從醫院的救護車上抬下來. 阿嬤燒了香, 有點不知所措的往頭後一丟.
算算至今, 阿公過世已經有20個年頭有餘了, 時間飛逝.
10年前的聖誕節, 我帶領自己的妻子, 改變信仰, 成為耶穌基督的門徒, 這個教會教導我們努力尋找個人的祖先家譜, 並在聖殿中完成對他們的救恩的教儀. 今年3月初, 我終於提交了阿公的資料, 並在後續幾個月中, 為阿公完成各項教儀, 雖然阿公在靈的世界仍保有他的特權是否接受這樣的福音, 但身為長孫的我, 能為阿公做這一點事情, 讓我感到無比的榮耀. 我知道, 家人的關係可以持續到永恆, 有一天, 我們都會再在復活的骨肉身體中見到我們親愛的家人.
P/S: 晚上媽媽打來電話, 說今天阿公剛好撿骨了. 我沒有意識到上次媽媽跟我說的即將撿骨的事, 因此未來得及回去參與此盛事, 然而湊巧的是, 加入教會這十年多來, 我第一次在聖餐聚會演講時提到阿公, 向他表示欽佩之意, 卻是在同一天. 還有稍早之前為他所行的聖殿事工, 僅能以此表彰對他的感懷之情.
Thursday, June 12, 2008

1. What do you want?
2. What do you have?
3. What can you serve?
Be humble on finding answers for those questions in your heart. Hope these can bring you back to the real life and make you enjoy the eternal happiness .
Monday, June 9, 2008
A letter for my children
My children,
Just hours ago, we obey the recent prophet's teaching to hold our weekly family home evening. It's a wonderful time for us to join together. I enjoy it very much. Now you all fell asleep. I decide to leave some record about tonight here. I believe some day when your English is good enough, you will find your Dad records something for you in this blog area. I hope it can always remind you the wonderful family time we ever had together.
Tonight our theme is to learn to sing a song in the Children's Songbook "I Fell My Savior's love". This is a song we listened from music CD for hundreds of times. But it seems the first time we sing together in our family.
Differing from the past, I invite your Mom to sing it in solo for us. She sing it with full of her heart and it touches me. So I decide it as our opening hymn. I choose myself to be the opening prayer. Only I kneel down before prayer. Maybe it let us feel a little bit different. Just as your Mom's singing, it may also bring our family home evening a better atmosphere.
I am so happy that we can sing the song together, and then I can sing it solo for all of you. Unlike before, I choose to end up our family home evening soon after my solo and make it as short as possible, as I hope we every one can be taught by holy spirit. But not only by your Dad or Mom personally. As I said before Diana gave her closing prayer, I hope you can learn what the song teaches you. To feeling and to understand. May it brings your earthly life blessings.
I Feel My Savior's Love
I feel my Savior's love
In all the world around me.
His spirit warms my soul
Through ev'ry thing I see
He knows I will follow him,
Give all my life to him.
I feel my Savior's love,
The love he freely gives me.
I feel my Savior's love;
Its gentleness enfolds me,
And when I kneel to pray,
My heart is filled with peace.
He knows I will follow him,
Give all my life to him.
I feel my Savior's love,
The love he freely gives me.
I feel my Savior's love
And know that he will bless me.
I offer him my heart,
My shepherd he will be.
He knows I will follow him,
Give all my life to him.
I feel my Savior's love,
The love he freely gives me.
I'll share my Savior's love
By serving others freely.
In serving I am blessed.
In giving I receive.
He knows I will follow him,
Give all my life to him.
I feel my Savior's love,
The love he freely gives me.
Words: Raiph Rodgers, Jr., b. 1936; K. Newell Dayley, b. 1939; and Laurie Huffman, b. 1948
Music: K. Newell Dayley, b. 1939
Copyright@1978, 1979 by K. Newell Dayley.
Just hours ago, we obey the recent prophet's teaching to hold our weekly family home evening. It's a wonderful time for us to join together. I enjoy it very much. Now you all fell asleep. I decide to leave some record about tonight here. I believe some day when your English is good enough, you will find your Dad records something for you in this blog area. I hope it can always remind you the wonderful family time we ever had together.
Tonight our theme is to learn to sing a song in the Children's Songbook "I Fell My Savior's love". This is a song we listened from music CD for hundreds of times. But it seems the first time we sing together in our family.
Differing from the past, I invite your Mom to sing it in solo for us. She sing it with full of her heart and it touches me. So I decide it as our opening hymn. I choose myself to be the opening prayer. Only I kneel down before prayer. Maybe it let us feel a little bit different. Just as your Mom's singing, it may also bring our family home evening a better atmosphere.
I am so happy that we can sing the song together, and then I can sing it solo for all of you. Unlike before, I choose to end up our family home evening soon after my solo and make it as short as possible, as I hope we every one can be taught by holy spirit. But not only by your Dad or Mom personally. As I said before Diana gave her closing prayer, I hope you can learn what the song teaches you. To feeling and to understand. May it brings your earthly life blessings.
I Feel My Savior's Love
I feel my Savior's love
In all the world around me.
His spirit warms my soul
Through ev'ry thing I see
He knows I will follow him,
Give all my life to him.
I feel my Savior's love,
The love he freely gives me.
I feel my Savior's love;
Its gentleness enfolds me,
And when I kneel to pray,
My heart is filled with peace.
He knows I will follow him,
Give all my life to him.
I feel my Savior's love,
The love he freely gives me.
I feel my Savior's love
And know that he will bless me.
I offer him my heart,
My shepherd he will be.
He knows I will follow him,
Give all my life to him.
I feel my Savior's love,
The love he freely gives me.
I'll share my Savior's love
By serving others freely.
In serving I am blessed.
In giving I receive.
He knows I will follow him,
Give all my life to him.
I feel my Savior's love,
The love he freely gives me.
Words: Raiph Rodgers, Jr., b. 1936; K. Newell Dayley, b. 1939; and Laurie Huffman, b. 1948
Music: K. Newell Dayley, b. 1939
Copyright@1978, 1979 by K. Newell Dayley.
Church activities
Youth of Church
This is the scripture we read the morning.
(Alma 5:14 ) And now behold, I ask of you, my brethren of the church, have ye spiritually been born of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts?
Children of Church
This is the scripture we read the morning.
(Alma 5:14 ) And now behold, I ask of you, my brethren of the church, have ye spiritually been born of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts?
Children of Church
舊文章兩篇 ..
綺芳見證 2005-11-29
無價珍珠3:7其中提到 ” … 一切事物在以前都已被創造,… 他們都是屬靈地被創造… “,每個小孩出生後都有他獨特的個性,岱娜小小年紀敏銳的感受,讓我知道我們在天上時靈性狀態已發展得很完全,小孩子靈性的程度其實不亞於大人。馬太福音18:3 耶穌說: “ 我實在告訴你們,你們若不回轉,變成小孩子的樣式,斷不得進天國。“ 我知道我能成為四個小孩的母親,是天父要給我祝福,當小孩子成為我的考驗時,其實就是我應當悔改的時候。我感謝在教會中有福音的教導,完全的真理,讓我們在今生經歷種種試驗時仍有定錨與準則。我見證耶穌基督後期聖徒教會是神在地面上唯一真實而存在的教會,斯密約瑟是神所揀選的先知,耶穌基督是我們的救主。奉耶穌基督的名,阿們。
去聖殿 十二月八日 星期六 天氣陰
無價珍珠3:7其中提到 ” … 一切事物在以前都已被創造,… 他們都是屬靈地被創造… “,每個小孩出生後都有他獨特的個性,岱娜小小年紀敏銳的感受,讓我知道我們在天上時靈性狀態已發展得很完全,小孩子靈性的程度其實不亞於大人。馬太福音18:3 耶穌說: “ 我實在告訴你們,你們若不回轉,變成小孩子的樣式,斷不得進天國。“ 我知道我能成為四個小孩的母親,是天父要給我祝福,當小孩子成為我的考驗時,其實就是我應當悔改的時候。我感謝在教會中有福音的教導,完全的真理,讓我們在今生經歷種種試驗時仍有定錨與準則。我見證耶穌基督後期聖徒教會是神在地面上唯一真實而存在的教會,斯密約瑟是神所揀選的先知,耶穌基督是我們的救主。奉耶穌基督的名,阿們。
去聖殿 十二月八日 星期六 天氣陰
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