孩子, Chad及Jeff, 今早爸爸做了一個決定, 希望你們可以為自己承擔起部份責任, 所以我要求你們從今天開始可以自己準備好出門上學, 自己要規畫好時間, 不要太晚起床, 起床後要主動梳洗穿衣, 折棉被, 讀經文, 及吃飯, 還要掌握自己走路到學校的時間, 不要讓自己遲到了. 在爸爸這一代或爺爺的那一代, 大家都是自己走路上學的, 而且還不管是否括風或下雨.「吃得苦中苦」, 過得了這種生活, 對你們的未來是有好處的.
我們每個人都得學習虔敬及認真的過生活, 這是神所喜悅的方式, 當我們的生活態度變得傲慢, 懶散或褻瀆時, 我們的生活自然會變得辛苦些. 我們會發現生活中的每一項小事務都在與我們作對, 我們不會得到聖靈的提醒或幫助. 所以當我們的生活態度變得不敬, 不莊重時, 我們肩上的負荷就會加重.
你們要懂得時時刻刻給你週邊的人提供服務, 如此, 你才配得別人對你的愛和服務, 不是嗎? 我們每個人包括爸爸, 都沒有權利去要求別人要免費的來愛我們, 或對我們提供服務吧 ! 而且, 當我們得到他人一點點的服務或幫忙後, 我們需要滿懷感激的心情, 即便不開口向對方說謝謝, 我們也得在我們的禱告中真心誠意的感謝神. 我們的生活也應該很謙卑.
你們小時候喜歡看的迪士尼卡通灰姑娘, 就有很好的隱喻, 灰姑娘很勤勞, 優美, 順從但又有正義感. 她的生活得到許多動物的幫忙, 最後, 仙女都來幫他的忙, 讓他的生活得到了莫大的祝福.
爸爸很喜歡的一句話, 從麥基奧大衛會長教導中看到的, 就是這篇文章的題目, "WHAT-E'ER THOU ART, ACT WELL THY PART." , 這句話, 爸爸視為座右銘, 哪天你們懂得英文了. 希望你能應用, 並拿它來提醒爸爸.
你們出門上學後, 我翻開這個星期日要幫教會男女青年上的主日學課程, 看到了我們的先知, 也是我們教會的前任總會會長 戈登興格萊會長的一段話, 我想以它來做為結束, 並與我的每一個孩子共同勉勵, 孩子, 爸爸愛你們. 爸爸誠願你們可以成長得美好又健壯.
第十五任總會會長戈登興格萊會長說 :「我們每個人在這偉大的事工中都有份. 我們是來協助天父的事工, 促成祂的榮耀, 即「促成人的不死和永生」(摩西書1:39)的. 你們在自己範圍內的責任, 與我在我範圍內的責任同樣重大, 這教會的每項召喚都不是微小或不重要的. 我們每個人履行自己的責任時, 就會影響到他人的生活. 」(「這是夫子的事工」, 1995年7月, 聖徒之聲 75-76頁)
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
5~6 Malachi Chapter 2, The old Testament
My covenant was with him of life and peace; and I gave them to him for the fear wherewith he feared me, and was afraid before my name. The Law of truth was in his mouth, and iniquity was not found in his lips : he walked with me in peace and equity, and did turn many away from iniquity.
You know? This is the sentence I was typing in office early this morning. It stabbed me in the heart. Now I put it here before I go home. I believe that you know me well.
5~6 Malachi Chapter 2, The old Testament
My covenant was with him of life and peace; and I gave them to him for the fear wherewith he feared me, and was afraid before my name. The Law of truth was in his mouth, and iniquity was not found in his lips : he walked with me in peace and equity, and did turn many away from iniquity.
You know? This is the sentence I was typing in office early this morning. It stabbed me in the heart. Now I put it here before I go home. I believe that you know me well.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Today and Yesterday
Yesterday (2008/5/20) we have had a new President. It’s the President of Taiwan. My hope to the new president is not to depend on China economically too much. Our new President is handsome and has lot of female fans. He was born in Hong Kong but elected as a President here. After 921earthquake in the year of 1999, the politics change a lot in Taiwan. Followed in 2000 the former 50 years-long ruling party was firstly changed. Yesterday it was changed back again.
Yesterday was also a holiday in Indonesia. It’s Waisak, a traditional Buddhist day. Famous Buddha landmark as Borobudur must be crowded then. Although most people there are Moslem, the country still celebrates the Buddhist holiday. There are 5 religions accepted in Indonesia, Islam, Catholic, Christianity, Buddha and Hindu. Each has its own holiday to celebrate their day. When a religion celebrating its day, other religions will respect and enjoy it as a holiday. Those are Waisak for Buddhist, Nyepi for Hindu, Idul fitr/ lebaran for Muslim, and Christmas for Christian, of course. It is similar to Malaysia. As I know, Malaysia has a lot of holidays due to the 3 main people's different background. But it is unlike Taiwan. Although there are a lot of Christian including Mormons, Christmas is not an official holiday still.
In Taiwan, we need to work and go to school as usual on 12/25. There is no official holiday for certain religion except the Chinese traditional days. For example, the famous Chinese New Year vacation and the tomb sweep festival on 4/4. Now we don't even take a break on mid-autumn festival since Saturday has become a holiday several years ago. So we have fewer holidays since Saturday become a full-day holiday. Only First day of the year (1/1), Peace Day (2/28), Tomb swept festival (4/4), Labor's Day (5/1) and National Day (10/10) left. That's all.
How is tomb sweep? Well, it is truly a traditional one. Chinese used to go to sweep the tomb of their ancestor or dead relatives to remember them one time a year. On the day, all relatives will come together to the tomb of their common ancestors or relatives, they work together to clean the tomb which is full of weeds, and then show their respect to them and apply something as sacrifices to them. Looks like to worship them. It is a distinct opportunity for relatives to gather together. After that, they may go back to one relative’s home nearby, there they may talk to each other and eat something. It is such a special day other for the Chinese. Besides, it is very easy to meet traffic jam everywhere.
We didn't go back to hometown to sweep tomb this year. That’s because we have other activity in church. Besides, we don’t want to meet traffic jam for long time since we have a one-year-old baby in car. I choose another special way to remember my dead grandfather in church’s Taipei temple. It is church's way to submit pedigree to the temple for eternity purpose. It is rather than a traditional way to constantly remember where we are from. Mormon Church emphasizes on ancestors so much by searching names of a generation up to another generation.
Today (2008/5/21) is also a special day. At about 8 o’clock in the morning, our little daughter Joanne firstly walked independently. She totally walked 5 steps by herself to her Mom. That's great! But the bad is that I didn’t record it through a digi-cam in time, as I was washing dishes in kitchen then, when Diana and Andrew screamed at it.
Yesterday was also a holiday in Indonesia. It’s Waisak, a traditional Buddhist day. Famous Buddha landmark as Borobudur must be crowded then. Although most people there are Moslem, the country still celebrates the Buddhist holiday. There are 5 religions accepted in Indonesia, Islam, Catholic, Christianity, Buddha and Hindu. Each has its own holiday to celebrate their day. When a religion celebrating its day, other religions will respect and enjoy it as a holiday. Those are Waisak for Buddhist, Nyepi for Hindu, Idul fitr/ lebaran for Muslim, and Christmas for Christian, of course. It is similar to Malaysia. As I know, Malaysia has a lot of holidays due to the 3 main people's different background. But it is unlike Taiwan. Although there are a lot of Christian including Mormons, Christmas is not an official holiday still.
In Taiwan, we need to work and go to school as usual on 12/25. There is no official holiday for certain religion except the Chinese traditional days. For example, the famous Chinese New Year vacation and the tomb sweep festival on 4/4. Now we don't even take a break on mid-autumn festival since Saturday has become a holiday several years ago. So we have fewer holidays since Saturday become a full-day holiday. Only First day of the year (1/1), Peace Day (2/28), Tomb swept festival (4/4), Labor's Day (5/1) and National Day (10/10) left. That's all.
How is tomb sweep? Well, it is truly a traditional one. Chinese used to go to sweep the tomb of their ancestor or dead relatives to remember them one time a year. On the day, all relatives will come together to the tomb of their common ancestors or relatives, they work together to clean the tomb which is full of weeds, and then show their respect to them and apply something as sacrifices to them. Looks like to worship them. It is a distinct opportunity for relatives to gather together. After that, they may go back to one relative’s home nearby, there they may talk to each other and eat something. It is such a special day other for the Chinese. Besides, it is very easy to meet traffic jam everywhere.
We didn't go back to hometown to sweep tomb this year. That’s because we have other activity in church. Besides, we don’t want to meet traffic jam for long time since we have a one-year-old baby in car. I choose another special way to remember my dead grandfather in church’s Taipei temple. It is church's way to submit pedigree to the temple for eternity purpose. It is rather than a traditional way to constantly remember where we are from. Mormon Church emphasizes on ancestors so much by searching names of a generation up to another generation.
Today (2008/5/21) is also a special day. At about 8 o’clock in the morning, our little daughter Joanne firstly walked independently. She totally walked 5 steps by herself to her Mom. That's great! But the bad is that I didn’t record it through a digi-cam in time, as I was washing dishes in kitchen then, when Diana and Andrew screamed at it.
Friday, May 16, 2008
前天的早上與承祐及謹鴻出門上學前, 在車上, 我與他們分享及教導了以下的這段經文:
16 神愛世人, 甚至將他的獨生子賜給他們, 叫一切信他的, 不至滅亡, 反得永生.
17 因為神 差他的兒子降世, 不是要定世人的罪, 乃是要叫世人因他得救.
18 信他的人, 不被定罪, 不信的人, 罪已經定了, 因為他不信 神獨生子的名.
這是一段耶穌和尼哥底母談重生時, 耶穌的片段教導. 字字句句強而有力, 深入人心.
耶穌說明了祂來到世上的使命, 是要來幫助世人, 使他們脫離罪的綑縛, 讓他們得到重生. 然而世人首要付出的, 是對祂 獨生子的名的信心. 沒有這信心, 人無法靠到神子所賜贖罪的力量得到快樂, 所以說, 那不信的人, 罪已經定了.
耶穌來到塵世, 讓許多人深刻體悟到自己過去的罪過, 並深切的在罪惡感之中, 短暫的罪惡的感覺也許不能免, 但這不是耶穌教導的目的. 祂的目的不是要用罪惡感來綑縛世人, 相反的, 祂乃是要救世人脫離. 並得到永生的快樂!
這段晨光中短暫的經文教導, 至少讓我自己感受到聖靈所帶給我的平和的感覺. 回到家中後, 我再度打開聖經, 給太太和較小的孩子這段教導.
我喜歡基督的話語, 每每當我心情低落, 為俗世事務羈絆時, 這充滿靈性光芒的話語, 每每啟發了我的靈魂. 我的悟性, 讓我重新再感受到神對我的愛.
16 神愛世人, 甚至將他的獨生子賜給他們, 叫一切信他的, 不至滅亡, 反得永生.
17 因為神 差他的兒子降世, 不是要定世人的罪, 乃是要叫世人因他得救.
18 信他的人, 不被定罪, 不信的人, 罪已經定了, 因為他不信 神獨生子的名.
這是一段耶穌和尼哥底母談重生時, 耶穌的片段教導. 字字句句強而有力, 深入人心.
耶穌說明了祂來到世上的使命, 是要來幫助世人, 使他們脫離罪的綑縛, 讓他們得到重生. 然而世人首要付出的, 是對祂 獨生子的名的信心. 沒有這信心, 人無法靠到神子所賜贖罪的力量得到快樂, 所以說, 那不信的人, 罪已經定了.
耶穌來到塵世, 讓許多人深刻體悟到自己過去的罪過, 並深切的在罪惡感之中, 短暫的罪惡的感覺也許不能免, 但這不是耶穌教導的目的. 祂的目的不是要用罪惡感來綑縛世人, 相反的, 祂乃是要救世人脫離. 並得到永生的快樂!
這段晨光中短暫的經文教導, 至少讓我自己感受到聖靈所帶給我的平和的感覺. 回到家中後, 我再度打開聖經, 給太太和較小的孩子這段教導.
我喜歡基督的話語, 每每當我心情低落, 為俗世事務羈絆時, 這充滿靈性光芒的話語, 每每啟發了我的靈魂. 我的悟性, 讓我重新再感受到神對我的愛.
如果我們身為基督門徒的人, 在行為舉止還有外貌上, 沒有什麼差異, 我們能有什麼能力勸人歸信呢?
"現在看啊, 教會中的弟兄們, 我問你們, 你們在屬靈方面是否已從神而生? 你們在容貌上是否蒙得了祂的形像, 你們的心是否體驗過這種巨大的改變? "
身為教友, 在我們的同學與同事之中, 我們可以有哪些美好的行為與榜樣呢?
1.煙, 酒, 咖啡, 茶及有害的藥物, 在任何的情況下, 我們不會去使用它. 在許多的場合會常常遇到這類的邀請, 商場上業務的應對尤其是如此, 但許多台灣的教友們已經用他們的身體力行, 證明即便在這種場合上, 他們可以辦得到. 教會中許多的領袖, 他們即便不接觸煙和酒, 他們的事業一樣有非常傑出的表現.
2.現代社會在世俗物質需求的熏淘下, 普遍對婚姻生活存在畏懼, 充滿著不確定性. 要求完美的對像但卻又缺乏對彼此忠誠的信心. 也不認為婚姻生活會讓他們的生活更美好. 相反的, 卻要為此, 結束自己自由自在也似乎不缺乏一切的單身生活. 然而, 婚姻確實是神安排給人們的生活方式. 透過一男一女組合而成的家庭生活, 神要祂的救恩計畫被實現, 並要祂靈體的子女得到塵世生命的學習與快樂. 教友們在這一點上, 充份瞭解神在我們身上的期望, 我們也瞭解自己的使命. 對於婚姻與家庭, 身為教友的我們可以更加的依靠對神的信心, 來渴望婚姻, 建立家庭, 並彼此扶持以通過家庭生活中的所有考驗. 美好的婚姻與快樂的家庭生活, 應該是積極教友身上的一項醒目的標誌.
"現在看啊, 教會中的弟兄們, 我問你們, 你們在屬靈方面是否已從神而生? 你們在容貌上是否蒙得了祂的形像, 你們的心是否體驗過這種巨大的改變? "
身為教友, 在我們的同學與同事之中, 我們可以有哪些美好的行為與榜樣呢?
1.煙, 酒, 咖啡, 茶及有害的藥物, 在任何的情況下, 我們不會去使用它. 在許多的場合會常常遇到這類的邀請, 商場上業務的應對尤其是如此, 但許多台灣的教友們已經用他們的身體力行, 證明即便在這種場合上, 他們可以辦得到. 教會中許多的領袖, 他們即便不接觸煙和酒, 他們的事業一樣有非常傑出的表現.
2.現代社會在世俗物質需求的熏淘下, 普遍對婚姻生活存在畏懼, 充滿著不確定性. 要求完美的對像但卻又缺乏對彼此忠誠的信心. 也不認為婚姻生活會讓他們的生活更美好. 相反的, 卻要為此, 結束自己自由自在也似乎不缺乏一切的單身生活. 然而, 婚姻確實是神安排給人們的生活方式. 透過一男一女組合而成的家庭生活, 神要祂的救恩計畫被實現, 並要祂靈體的子女得到塵世生命的學習與快樂. 教友們在這一點上, 充份瞭解神在我們身上的期望, 我們也瞭解自己的使命. 對於婚姻與家庭, 身為教友的我們可以更加的依靠對神的信心, 來渴望婚姻, 建立家庭, 並彼此扶持以通過家庭生活中的所有考驗. 美好的婚姻與快樂的家庭生活, 應該是積極教友身上的一項醒目的標誌.
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